Original Study of Lincoln Marsh River
I was calm when I got up this morning. Really. But I've been having a bad technology day. Seems everything I touch, that has to do with technology, refuses to cooperate. Even the toaster refuses to work right. Okay, I'm done complaining. Not really.
The small painting above is one I did of Lincoln Marsh. I messed up the color corrector on my iPhoto, so it looks a little different in the photo than it does in real life. The point I was trying to make is that I sometimes use small paintings as references for bigger paintings. I find it helps me to focus in on the joy of painting when the composition, values and colors are already worked out. Every once in a while I need to get a big painting out of my system. Usually these bigger paintings look very different from the smaller ones. The small study is a jumping off point to the bigger one. It's easy to expand on the larger canvas. I feel more freedom painting larger.
Lincoln Marsh River
I think I'll stay away from technology for the rest of the day. Thank goodness there's no technology involved in painting!